
INFRASLIMX is comfortable, laid-back, easy cycling, while high-power infrared lamps are boosting the processes of cellular metabolism. The INFRASLIMX makes it possible for its user to benefit from both the effects of doing intense cardio training and soaking in the heat energy from the radiation of infrared light. The deep-reaching rays of infrared light help the body dilate the blood vessels, stimulate circulation, so that the by- products of cellular metabolism, as well as the toxins can exit the system all the quicker, and the process of breaking down body fat is also immediately triggered.
INFRASLIMX reinforces and maximizes the beneficial effects of the infrared waves. By stimulating the connective tissue, the vacuum helps visibly reduce cellulite and improve the elasticity of skin tissue even after only one session. The collagen therapy further assists these effects, since collagen also improves the elasticity of skin tissue even by itself. The combination of infrared and red light makes exercising a much gentler strain on the joints of the user, warms them up and helps with the occasional toxins and sediments lodged inside.
INFRASLIMX is the next generation body shaping machine containing infrared, vacuum, oxygen, ozone, collagen and aromatherapy designed to burn fat, remove cellulite, tighten the skin, build muscle, detoxify the body and lymphatic system.
INFRASLIMX takes the efficiency of physical exercise to the next level by implementing the latest technologies. The beneficial effects of vacuum massage, infrared light treatment, collagen light therapy, ozone and oxygen therapy, as well as aromatherapy, all work in unison when our machine is utilized to its fullest. These effects are tuned to work as one system in order to assist the shaping, toning, and detoxification of the user’s body, potentially improving their quality of life.



Boost metabolism by raising internal body temperature. Reduces stress and improves overall wellbeing. Infra therapy improves blood circulation and lymphatic drainage.
Collagen Light Therapy is a new, non-invasive, red light treatment for anti-ageing and skin rejuvenation. It stimulates natural collagen production and reduces the appearance of cellulite.
Ozone therapy is a revolutionary remedy for rejuvenation allowing to restore the barrier, immune, water-retaining, reparative functions of skin as well as to improve its structure.
Essential oils not only reduce stress but increase circulation also can relieve inflammation. Aromatherapy can treat bacterial or viral infections, burns, high blood pressure, difficulty breathing, insomnia, depression.
Oxygen therapy is added to meet the increased oxygen demand caused by increased cellular metabolism due to physical activity and infrared heat. Supplemented oxygen eliminates unpleasant symptoms such as dizziness, muscle cramps and subsequent muscle soreness.